OXPS to PDF converter

Convert oxps files to pdf online for free
+ Choose files or drop files here

How to convert OXPS to PDF?

  • Step 1

    Select OXPS files you want to convert. Or drag & drop them to the upload area.

  • Step 2

    Do you see the green «Convert» button? Click it to convert OXPS to PDF.

  • Step 3

    Please wait a few seconds. Done! Click «Download» to save PDF files to your device.


The .OXPS file type refers to the open XPS file format. This is one of the new file formats introduced after the launch of microsoft's windows 8 platform. The full name of the file is Open XML Paper specification. The .OXPS and .xps are two more popular and growing file formats that compete with the PDF file format for fixed document description. The .OXPS file is not natively supported by the previous versions of windows. The main advantage of .OXPS is the ability for device independance and resolution independance. The file's structure is natively based on XML.


Portable Document Format (PDF) is a type of document created by Adobe back in 1990s. The purpose of this file format was to introduce a standard for representation of documents and other reference material in a format that is independent of application software, hardware as well as Operating System. PDF files can be opened in Adobe Acrobat Reader/Writer as well in most modern browsers like Chrome, Safari, Firefox via extensions/plug-ins.

Why AnyPDF?

Simple and fast
AnyPDF allows you to convert oxps to pdf quickly and easily. Just drag & drop them to the upload area and click «Convert». As easy as pie!
It's free
Any user from USA, Canada, UK and other countries can convert oxps to pdf absolutely free. Forget about tariffs and payments!
Any devices
Our OXPS to PDF converter works on any PC and mobile device. You can change OXPS to PDF on Windows, Linux, MAC, iPhone and Android.

Frequently asked Questions

🏆 Why AnyPDF is the best choice for converting OXPS to PDF?
AnyPDF is a simple and fast web application for converting OXPS files to PDF format. No software installation required. And it's all free!

🛡 What about the security of my OXPS files?
100% confidentiality. Nobody has access to your files. All your files will be permanently deleted from our server in 1 hour.

🍏 Can i convert OXPS to PDF on MAC?
Yes, convert OXPS to PDF on any platform online in 3 clicks. Try it now!